Answered By: Melissa Langridge Last Updated: Apr 28, 2023 Views: 56
Answered By: Melissa Langridge
Last Updated: Apr 28, 2023 Views: 56
Yes, we have a mobile app version of our catalog, which lets you search for books, DVDs and other items: Spydus Mobile is available on all recent versions of iPhone, and Android.
Follow these steps to set up and use the app (or scroll to the bottom for a video demonstration):
- Search for "Spydus Mobile" on your phone's app store, and install it.
- From the starting screen, tap "Select Library"
- On the "Select Library" screen, type Niagara, and then tap the word "Niagara" that shows up in the results.
- You will now be on a starting page for NU Library. To search for books, DVDs, or other items, tap Discover.
- On the Discover page, enter your search words (for example, "World War II") and then tap the Search button.
- On the Results page, look through the list of results, and tap a book/item that you are interested in.
- You are now on the item's Details page, with the following options:
- More Details: Information about the item, like a description, table of contents, or subject categories.
- Availability: See if the item is available to borrow, and where it is located in the library
- Reserve: Place a hold on the item so you can just come to the library and pick it up
- If you select Availability, you'll see a page like this.
- If the item is available to be checked out (meaning nobody else has it right now), it will be listed as "Available." The call number, which describes its location on the shelf, is also listed. Need help locating the item? Just ask a library staff member, either by visiting the Service Desk on the main floor, or through our contact page.
- Want to place a hold on the item? Go back to the Details page again, and tap Reserve.
- Borrower ID is your 14-digit barcode number, located on the back of your ID card
- Password is the 4-digit PIN that you created, the first time you borrowed something from NU Library.
- You will also be prompted to select a branch. Tap the option next to Niagara University Library.
- Tap Confirm.
- You will see a confirmation that your hold has been placed.
- We will email you once your item is available for pickup, and you can stop by the Service Desk on the main floor.
Video demonstration:
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