Answered By: Melissa Langridge
Last Updated: Jun 28, 2023     Views: 99

Follow these steps to locate a specific journal/magazine/newspaper, or scroll down for a video demonstration.



  • On the Journals by Title page, enter the name of the journal, such as The New York Times or Journal of the American Medical Association:


  • If any of our databases have the journal, a list of results will come up. You can click on any of the databases to go to a page for that journal. Make sure to note what date range is listed, to make sure that the database has the date range you're looking for. (For example, some databases may not have articles from the past 12 months, or some may only have articles from the 20th century.)


  • Once you are on the journal page, you should see options to either browse by date/issue, or to search within that journal for a keyword or topic. Each database will look a little different in how the options are laid out.

Note: If you have a specific article in mind, see this FAQ for directions: How do I find the full-text of an article?

Video Demonstration:
