Answered By: Melissa Langridge
Last Updated: May 06, 2019     Views: 34

By creating an account, you will be able to save search results, persistent links to searches, search alerts, journal alerts, and web pages in any EBSCOhost database.

Note that My EBSCOhost accounts are completely separate from Purple Pass or MyNU accounts.

  1. Click the Sign In link in the top toolbar of the screen.
  2. From the Sign In Screen, click the Create one now link.
  3. The Create Account Screen appears. Fill in the fields on the Create Account Screen.
    • Are you having trouble on this screen, and unable to click the Continue button? The Create Account screen won't work if you've selected the option to Show the password. You need to click the Hide option, then uncheck and recheck the Yes I Consent box. At that point, you should be able to click the Continue button.
  4. Check the box to consent to EBSCO's Personal Data Retention and Usage Policy.
  5. When you have completed filling out your information, click Continue.
  6. If your information was accepted, a message appears that confirms your account has been created. To log into your account, click the Click here link and provide your login credentials. You should note the username and password you created so you can log in at a future session.
