When you try to determine whether a citation is for a book, book chapter or journal, think about the parts in each format. Keep reading for examples, or scroll down for a video demonstration.
A journal article appears in a journal that is published in a volume and issue. If you see volume and issue numbers in the citation, you can assume that the citation is for a journal article.
Journal Article - APA Citation:
DaCosta, J.W. (2010). Is there an information literacy skills gap to be bridged? College and Research Libraries. 71(3), 202-22.
Journal Article - MLA Citation:
DaCosta, J.W. (2010). "Is there an information literacy skills gap to be bridged?" College and Research Libraries, vol. 71, no. 3, pp 202-22.
A book chapter is usually written by a different author from the editors of the whole book. If both author(s) and editor(s) are listed, it is likely a chapter.
Book Chapter - APA Citation:
Robinson, S. (2012). Emergency Management. In. K.G. Logan & J.D. Ramsay (Eds.), Introduction to homeland security (pp. 241-262). Westview Press.
Book Chapter - MLA Citation:
Robinson, Scott. "Emergency Management." Introduction to Homeland Security, edited by Keith Logan & James Ramsay,Westview Press, 2012, pp. 241-262.
A whole book is often the easiest citation to decipher. It contains the fewest elements.
Whole Book - APA Citation:
Kapucu, N. (2013). Managing emergencies and crises. Jones and Bartlett Learning.
Whole Book - MLA Citation:
Kapucu, Niam. Managing Emergencies and Crises. Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2013.